Priyanka Chopra Spotted: Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra has started preparations for the second season of her web series ‘Citadel’. In this series of Russo Brothers, Priyanka will be seen doing tremendous action in the role of ‘Nadia’. Now meanwhile, the actress reached Mumbai to attend an event, from where her pictures are becoming increasingly viral on social media. In these photos, Priyanka Chopra is blowing the senses of the fans with her 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁er looks. The actress looks very cute in these pictures. See photos here-
In these pictures, actress Priyanka Chopra is seen wearing a multi-coloured off-shoulder gown. In the photos, the actress looks no less than an Apsara.
Priyanka has tied a ponytail with her hair with this outfit. Fans are going crazy seeing the beauty of the actress in the pictures.
In this picture, Priyanka Chopra is seen wearing a beautiful necklace pendant around her neck. These pictures of the actress are becoming increasingly viral.
In these photos, Priyanka Chopra is hurting the hearts of fans with her cute smile. Seeing this style of Priyanka, the hearts of fans are also pounding.
In this photo, the Desi girl is saying namaste to the paparazzi with folded hands. People are praising this look of the actress.
With this outfit, actress Priyanka Chopra is seen wearing nude makeup, which looks very good on her.
Reacting to these photos of Priyanka, a user wrote, ‘You are looking very beautiful.’
Priyanka Chopra has a huge fan following on Instagram. The actress is followed by 92 million people on Instagram.
Let us tell you that Priyanka Chopra is very active on social media, she gives updates related to her professional as well as personal life through new posts every day.