Priyanka Chopra recently shared an interesting tidbit about her 2018 wedding with singer Nick Jonas. The Big Fat Indian Wedding proved to be a bit too tedious for the Jonas family, and many of them got sleepy and sleep walked through the rituals.
At a promotional event with British Vogue for her new film, ‘Love Again’ Chopra reminisced about her wedding with the ‘Jealous’ singer. Unlike Christian weddings, which take place during the day, many Hindu wedding rituals (especially of the North Indian variety) take place during the evening and continue well past midnight. The ‘Barfi’ actress revealed Jonas and his family had flown from America to India for the lavish wedding, and were completely jetlagged. Many of them dozed off while participating in the rituals. “They were just so jet-legged. I could just see my husband glaring at his family because they were nodding off,” she revealed.
The wedding recently found a mention in the popular animated sitcom ‘The Simpsons’. PeeCee called the reference “bittersweet” and recalled how, growing up, many people asked her, why she didn’t speak like Apu, the Indian character in the TV series. “Everybody kept asking me why I don’t speak like Apu? Why my accent wasn’t like Apu? Apu had a really exaggerated Indian accent, as we all know now. The Simpsons are an iconic part of most of our childhood, but it was also the irony of me in an Indian dress marrying a white guy,” she said.